I'd like to start off by saying that I'm incredibly sorry for having neglected this blog, once again failing to post more than twice a year. I will, however, be doing my best to post at least once a month, hopefully more often than that, from now on.
That being said, this year has given me much material to work with (including a future follow up of "50+ Fundamental Mistakes of Online Dating and Why Even Love isn't Free"), from personal experiences (and likely slightly biased opinions) to news stories and common misconceptions. You'll find everything from book suggestions and/or reviews, to popular news stories (both locally to me as well as wide-spread issues), to suggested Christmas (or birthday, anniversary, etc) gifts, to things I find neat/interesting/awesome, and even a bit of factoidal posting. Contrary to what I may often believe, I do know a bit about a bit, and so I will share a bit with you. My two cents, as it were.
So there are my expectations, hopefully accompanied by a legitimate motivational boost, and here's to following through! I'll even let it be a resolution for 2013 (yes, it's a bit early for that I know, shut your face) that I will post on this blog more frequently. And I'll make it a goal (hardy-har-har, I'm referencing back to this post, so funny I am. I hope you got the Yoda reference... if not... you're not nerdy enough)... as I was saying, I'll make it a goal to get a new, custom template and layout for this blog.
As always, if you read something you like, don't be afraid to share it with your friends. Maybe they'll get a laugh out of it. Either because my humour is adequate, or because I'm the village idiot.
Goodbye my lovelies.
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